2015 - "Professor Isaias Raw, former director of the Butantan Institute
reported in an interview that Anvisa delayed by 18 months research for
vaccine production against dengue by the Institute, and, meanwhile,
released the vaccine French multinational Sanofi, despite this being "crap". "
said that Anvisa has chosen a product of lower quality and higher cost
than national." Their vaccine does not work and needs three doses. Our
reaches a good level of protection with one dose. The amount of vaccine
is a hundred times less
than that of Sanofi - which implies that costs three hundred times less
They took the yellow fever vaccine, they took a few pieces and made of
dengue It takes at least a year to immunize and only works in those who
already have a disease... This does not fool nor an idiot: this vaccine is crap. "" ..
2015 - "One thing that I made is to call what happens" Coca-Cola model,
"nothing against the refrigerant is that they never tell what's in the
syrup, which is sold to local manufacturers who put water in. bottle and sell Coca-Cola. This is the case with vaccines.The technology import model is not true: you are just a bottler. The subject is dependent on the lifetime of buying the "syrup" in bulk. Its only function is to thin, label, and put "made in Brazil". Because it is a public institution, it is not paid tax. A slight investigation and that there will come another Petrobras [of the crisis]. " ..
December 2015 - "The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa)
approved on Monday (28) the first vaccine against dengue in Brazil The
vaccine, produced by the French company Sanofi Pasteur."
"It's important to show people that the vaccine will not solve the
problem alone," said Sheila Homsani, medical director of Sanofi Pasteur ..
December 2015 - "There is still no prediction on how long it should
take up the completion of this phase, but can be expected to take from a
year to a year and a half"
"The development of this vaccine is the result of a partnership
between the Butantan Institute and the US National Institutes of Health
(NIH)." ..
"The Health Minister Arthur Chioro said on Thursday (13) that Brazil
should only take a vaccine against dengue" there for 2018 "."
"The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) is involved in two of vaccine
development projects. The Japanese pharmaceutical Takeda is also in the
race for development of a dengue vaccine."
"There will be a meeting on Monday between the Butantan Institute, the
state government and national and multinational companies to discuss a
partnership for the production of the vaccine in the future if the test
results show that the product is effective."
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