than the nerve to ask someone like Chico Buarque overnight, the
esquerdalha (left scoundrel) was faced with another fact that in the
same way, for them, is nothing but an affront to the "almighty" of art
and culture national. The
piece in question is a parody of the music band, Chico Buarque, which
is authored by Filipi Trielli and Danilo Gentili argument, and that is
already on the Internet a few years ago, but only now gained momentum. The parody is titled The Gang, and so started the revolt of Chico Buarque himself. The Artist would have been more than irritated upon learning of success in social networks parody O Bando do in social media. Only on You Tube profile, Chinchilla, the parody has almost 300,000 hits. The Band is a clever critique of petismo, the petralhismo and this
special time of victimization Chico Buarque, is now also a balcony to
criticize what we might call "chiquismo" (the action victimize Chico
Buarque de Holanda)...
Check out the lyrics of the parody The Gang!
Was idly in class the teacher called meLobotomizar to me, turn me into a robotFilled me with distilling rancor catchphraseLobotomizar to me, turn me into a robot
The mensaleiro who counted money stoppedAnd the blogger who took freaked advantagesThe girlfriend who liked to BeagleHe stopped to touch up her makeup
The Sakamoto who hated the system likesThe Marilena who was missing ChauiuThe whole was esquerdalha assanhouLobotomizar to me, turn me into a robot
Was idly in class the teacher called meLobotomizar to me, turn me into a robotFilled me with distilling rancor catchphraseLobotomizar to me, turn me into a robot
I did not have to face Bakunin bag or FoucaultLike Chico and I think he's a great singerProfessor said that the most beautiful thingWas exploding bomb made Marighella
The rubra March spread and the right not seenThe Paulo Freire became holy and fucked with BrazilThe Faculty all adornedLobotomizar to me, turn me into a robot
I saw that capitalism was ugly and cruelI saw that in Cuba was good and I loved FidelI wrote down everything on the iPad and put on your computerThen I'll teach you because I turned teacher
Olá seja bem vindo ao Blog 100 Historia , aqui você encontra conteúdo relacionado as ações do homem ao longo do tempo . E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará. - João 8:32 - O homem nunca pisou na Lua. - A Princesa Diana foi assassinada. - Paul McCartney morreu em 1966. - Nenhum avião atingiu o Pentágono em 11 de setembro de 2001. Espantou-se com essas afirmações? Você ainda não viu nada!
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