Blog 100 História : Chico Buarque hits the mouth defending the PT in the street in Leblon

Chico Buarque hits the mouth defending the PT in the street in Leblon

Chico Buarque, always circulating through the streets of Leblon, your neighborhood, in Rio, was triggered in the night this Monday because of his political activism in favor of PT. The musician, who went out to dinner at Rua Dias Ferreira with Carlos Diegues, was surrounded by a group of young people between 20 and 30 years, which included the son of Alvaro Garnero, Sao Paulo businessman, and the rapper Tulio Dek, ex-boyfriend Cleo Pires. It started a chat mouth. "PT, go live in Paris. The PT is a criminal, "heard Chico, who, when defending, said the group's position was influenced by media and replied:" I think the PSDB is a criminal. "The discussion in the door of the restaurant Sushi Leblon, one of the busiest in the region, took street account. Chico was cursed and cursed but kept a low voice, despite the high temperature. Glamurama has the record on video. Play down here! (for Lipe Lundorf)

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