Wladimir Lorentz started making delivery of rich foreign pregnant in
Miami, his first customers were fleeing the Russian autocratic
government. Then
were the Argentine facing financial ruin during the economic collapse
of the country in early 2000. But in recent years, Lorentz has seen an
increasing flow of customers from Brazil, his homeland. With
the largest economy in Latin America mired in a deep recession, rising
unemployment and crime on the rise, a growing number of wealthy
Brazilian are giving birth in Miami, attracted by the good quality of
medical care and guarantee automatic citizenship for their newborns. "The
common theme [...] is that there are political and economic issues
bringing these families to question the viability of their own country,"
says Lorentz, 46, who lives in the United States since adolescence and
that is totally fluent in English and Portuguese.
Brazilians largely gone unnoticed amid growing controversy over
immigrants who critics say intentionally travel to the US to have
children and thereby obtain a legal entry point for their families. The US Constitution guarantees citizenship to any person born on American soil, including the children of foreign parents. When these children complete 21 years, they can get for your parents stay visa in the US, the green card and later citizenship.
During the heated US presidential campaign, some candidates criticized
the so-called "anchor babies," a term that refers to the stereotype of
poor immigrants, coming mostly from Mexico and Central America who enter
the country illegally to have children.
The site in Portuguese the clinic, "Being Mom in Miami," displays a baby design packaged in an American flag. Besides the prices of pediatric and obstetric services, it offers
recommendations of local real estate agents who speak Portuguese,
lawyers, personal shopping consultants, drivers, cleaners,
photographers, hairdressers and manicurists for pregnant.Doctors say they offer foreigners the same prices they charge US citizens: US $ 5000, according to Cardenas.
The total investment required to Brazil have your baby in the US varies. But the process requires a long stay in Miami, since most doctors forbids women traveling by plane after seven months pregnant.
of the service providers recommended by clinic site is the Rio Carla
McCarthy, which helps Brazilian traveling to Miami to buy their wedding
dresses. She often suggest to their clients, "Why do not you go back [to the city] to have a baby?"
and its partners advocate the work, saying that by coming to the US to
buy, invest and have children who will become productive citizens who
pay taxes, migrant families are helping the US.
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I know one well, which gave a blow belly in a top pilot of American Airlines, had a daughter and took a well gorda..agora pension lives in NY with a manager of a bank ..ela lived in an apt. small in Grajaú with family and decided to go to fight.
ResponderExcluirIf Trum win elections brasilerios the party in the land of Uncle San ends.