Since 1995, divers and Japanese scientists study one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the world, mysteriously ignored by the Western press.Located a few kilometers from the island of Yonaguni, they are submerged remains of an ancient city. Very old YOURSELF! Geological studies have calculated the age of these monuments as being 11,000 years old, which would place them as one of the oldest buildings on the planet.
Over more than a decade of exploration, divers had located no less than eight large man-made structures, including a huge plateau with over length 200m, a pyramid in the same style of Aztec and Mayan (consisting of 5 floors and aligned according to cardinal points) as well as a full set of ziggurats, marking areas and specific regions in platô.Assim as is "coincidence" that the pyramids of Egypt are aligned with the constellation of Orion (Osiris), the pyramids found in China perfectly align with the constellation of Gemini, the Aztec temples Tecnochtitlan are aligned with Bear constellation, Angkor Wat (those temples that Lara Croft explores in Cambodia) are aligned with the constellation of the Dragon and so on ...
A structure thought to be the oldest building in the world, with almost twice the age of the great pyramids of Egypt, was recently discovered. The rectangular stone ziggurat under the sea the coast of Japan could be the first evidence of a previously unknown civilization the Stone Age, archaeologists say. The monument is 600ft wide and 90ft high and has been dated to at least 8,000 BCDr team. Masaaki Kimura of the University of Ryukyu, explore the underwater archaeological site. Stairs, ramps, terraces, carvings in the rock and other evidence of the "human hand", as tools. Yonaguni may be the oldest architectural consjunto history.RIGHT: The Okinawan Rosseta stone with symbols that were found recorded in the rocks of the submerged ruins. The Okinawa Rosetta is an archaeological finding of Okinawa.
In the archipelago of Ryukyu, 480 km southwest of Okinawa - Japan, the waters around the island of Yonaguni hide a set of mysterious magalíticas ruins. The territory of 28.88 km² and a population of just over a thousand and seven hundred people, attracted the attention of historians, archaeologists and other scientists when, in 1985, a diver discovered the magnificent stone structures submerged in the waters surrounding the island .
When photos of the place were disclosed, immediately began the controversy over the origin of the terraces and staircases. Many scholars refused to accept that the ruins are constructions made by human hand. Geometric shapes, very certain angles, were attributed to "natural agents". However, other researchers argue that the bottom of Yonaguni sea is the tomb of a thriving civilization possibly older than Sumer, Egypt, India or China.
In 1997, dr. Masaaki Kimura, a professor at Ryukyu University, PhD in marine geology, published The Lost Continent In The Pacific Ocean, which supports the theory of the submerged civilization; the same year, a university team undertook studies at the archaeological site.
On May 4, 1998, parts of the island and the ruins were shaken by an earthquake. After the quake, underwater filming took place. It was found that had sprung up new structures in a manner similar to the ziggurats of Mesopotamia. These would then be the oldest buildings in the world. Stone marks were found on the evidence that the work done on them, incluse slots. They were also found tools and a small staircase. The hypothesis of natural formation in Yonaguni became then bit plausible.The Enigma of FaceSubmerged 18 meters below the surface, comes a megalithic head, a worn stone face by erosion of water reminiscent of the stone heads of other ancient places: Moais in the Pacific; La Venta, Gulf of Mexico.
There are 6000 years, the ruins were its land area, connected to the mainland. Rising sea levels over eons has engulfed territories such as the coast of Yonaguni. There is speculation about the "identity" of civilization buried in those waters. Many speak in Atlantis but if part of a "lost civilization" rests on the bed of that sea then the chances are that is Lemuria or Mu, even older, called by the esoteric civilization of the Third Race.http://www.sofadasala.com/noticia/yonaguni00.htm
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