La Befana
In Italy, the legend of La Befana is popularly told at Christmas time. What does a Catholic holiday having to do with the modern paganism? Well, La Befana becomes a witch.
According to folklore, the night before the Christmas party at the end of December, Befana flies on her broom delivering presents. Much like Santa Claus, she leaves candy, fruit, or small gifts in stockings children who have behaved well throughout the year. On the other hand, if a child is disobedient, he or she can expect to find a lump of coal left by La Befana.
The broom La Befana is more than just practical transportation - it will also tidy up a messy house and sweep the floor before she leaves for his next stop. This is probably a good thing, since Befana leaves a bit of soot coming down chimneys, and it's only polite to clean up after the mess. It may terminate your visit, indulging in the glass of wine or plate of food left by parents as a thank you.
So where is that La Befana comes? How does a kindly old witch is associated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus? Many of the stories behind La Befana involving a woman who is looking for but unable to find the newborn Jesus.

In some Christian legends, it is said that Befana was visited by three Magi, or wise men on their way to visit the baby Jesus. It is said that they asked him directions, but Befana did not know how to find the newborn. However, being a good housewife, she invited them to spend the night in his small house tidy. When the Magi in the morning, Befana invited to join them in their quest. Befana refused, saying that she had a lot of housework to do, but then she changed her mind. She tried to find the wise and the new baby, but could not, so she now flies on her broom delivering gifts to children. Maybe you're still looking for the baby Jesus.
In other tales, La Befana is a woman whose children died in a great plague, and it follows the wise men to Bethlehem Before leaving her home, she packs up with some simple gifts -. A doll that belonged to one of his sons and a coat sewn from her own wedding dress. These gifts are simple everything she has to give the baby Jesus, but she is unable to locate it. Today it flies to deliver presents to other children, hoping to find it.
Some scholars believe that the story of La Befana actually has pre-Christian origins. The tradition of leaving or exchanging gifts may relate to an early Roman custom that occurs in the middle of winter, at the time of Saturnalia. Befana can also represent the New Year, with the image of an old woman, to be replaced by a new year.
Today many Italians, including those who follow the practice of Stregheria, celebrate a festival in honor of La Befana.
Lipe Lundorf
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