Hello friends we usher in another column on our blog.Is column will be posted every week and we will bring stories of
mythical creatures that fill of fantasy and mystery people's minds this
big world of my God.
The idea for this column came for a chat with a friend very religious,
it expressed its doubts about reports of sightings of a creature of
Brazilian folklore called '' Caboclo D'água ''
in my Paraiba do Sul city in the state of Rio de Janeiro, circulating a
legend among the oldest inhabitants of the city on the existence of a
creature that inhabits the river that runs through the city. According to reports such a creature would have conflicted with my
late grandfather Miguel Ramos in a day of fishing where such a creature
had one arm amputated by a stroke of vation path, my grandfather bore
you time.Truth or lie?Honestly do not know, the funny thing is that this creature is known
in several Brazilian states then decided to research the origin of the
legend and some reports of this mythological being and hybrid.
Enjoy your reading...
Caboclo D'água water, also referred to as deny water is a monstrous
appearance of supernatural being known to harass fishermen and boatmen
who crosses your path. Riverine
people describe it as being a muscular creature, stocky, with bronze
skin, short stature and with only one eye located in the middle of the
forehead. It is also described as an agile and powerful entity, which can be in
several places at once and with the ability to manifest that looks like
an animal.There are no reports of mestizo origin of water. However it is known that plagues many years fishermen. They say the creature has a strong temperament and nervous when their
voice is heard at great distances, causing despair among the inhabitants
of the region.When
will attack fishermen, grab the bottom of the canoes and boats moving
them until they can turn or go all out to the boat or canoe stranding. In addition to haunt the fishermen, the Caboclo water also does
everything to scare the fish, further damaging the lives of local
all terrorism that the Caboclo water is able to do, riverine people say
calming the beast, offering a piece of smoke that makes it happy and
makes you disappear for a while. Another resource used by fishermen to chase away the mestizo is to
paint the hull a white star, which serves as protection against the
mestizo is well known in the region of the São Francisco River, where
there are several reports of direct experience with this character of
Brazilian folklore. Fishermen
in the area besides all the techniques to remove or protect themselves
from the caboclo, sculpt on the bow of their boats images with monstrous
features, the frowns calls. Also
spike knives at the bottom of the canoes, believing that steel is a
major assessório to ward manifestations of supernatural beings. So can perform fishing quietly, knowing that the mythical entity will not harass them.It is believed that the Caboclo water live in a deep cave surrounded with gold. Because
of this belief many people already pass away in an attempt to discover
the address of the entity and catch all his gold. The most radical say just thinking about it is enough reason for this being the curious attack in the evenings.The legend of the Caboclo water still alive in various coastal regions of Brazil. Local pile dare not leave their homes during the night for the comfort
of mothers who need not worry knowing that their children are safe at
home.Sources:http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caboclo_d'%C3%A1guahttp://www.jangadabrasil.com.br/revista/galeria/ca84011f.asp (photo)http://velhochico.net/index_arquivos/Page%20445c.htm
Lipe Lundorf
Olá seja bem vindo ao Blog 100 Historia , aqui você encontra conteúdo relacionado as ações do homem ao longo do tempo . E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará. - João 8:32 - O homem nunca pisou na Lua. - A Princesa Diana foi assassinada. - Paul McCartney morreu em 1966. - Nenhum avião atingiu o Pentágono em 11 de setembro de 2001. Espantou-se com essas afirmações? Você ainda não viu nada!
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