Barão de MauáIndustrial and political Brazilian
Barão de Mauá biography:Barão de Mauá or Visconde de Mauá (1813-1889) was industrial and Brazilian politician. Pioneer of industrialization in Brazil. It was a symbol of capitalist Brazilian entrepreneurs of the nineteenth century. He
was responsible for major works as a shipyard, the Fluminense Transport
Company and the first railroad linking Rio de Janeiro to Petrópolis. Invested as a partner in the railways of Recife and Salvador who came to Rio San Francisco, among many other venture.Barão
de Mauá (1813-1889) was born in Arroyo Grande in Rio Grande do Sul on
28 December 1813. Son of farmer John Evangelista de Avila and Sousa and
Maria de Jesus Batista de Carvalho. He lost his father at the age of eight, and in the care of an uncle, captain of the merchant marine. It is taken to São Paulo, where is built a school from 1821 to 1823. At 11 years old is employed as a clerk in a fabric store. In
1824 will work as clerk of the English Company Carruthers, specializing
in import where the owner Ricardo Carruthers taught him English,
accountancy and the art market. At 23 becomes managing partner of the company.In 1837 acquires a farm in Morro de Santa Teresa. He called employees of my assistants. He created dislike of planters and also of the court, for giving shelter to escaped slaves. In 1840 fetches her mother, her sister, and her teenage niece Maria Joaquina. The three have settled on his farm. Mauá going to England and brings a gold ring. Presents his niece was the marriage proposal. They married in 1841 and together they had 12 children. Dona Guilhermina, his sister and mother, ran the house, now a mansion in the Rua do Catete.In 1946 sold its share in Carruthers and acquires a small foundry, located at Ponta da Areia in Niterói. Will seek resources in England was convinced that Brazil should move towards industrialization. That same year founded a shipyard. The Foundry Company and Shipyard Ponta da Areia, then multiply by four its assets.Irineu
Evangelista de Sousa, Barão de Mauá pioneered the field of public
services, founded in 1852 the Company Fluminense Transportation. In 1853 he created the Steam Navigation Company of the Amazon river, getting the right to navigation for 30 years. The Amazon was the first time, regular transport between its most distant points.In
1854 he founded the Society of lighting the gas and Rio de Janeiro on
April 30 inaugurated 15 km from the first railway connecting the Mauá
Port in Guanabara Bay to the slopes of the Serra da Estrela. Among the guests was Dom Pedro II, who on the same day Irenaeus gives the title "Baron of Mauá". The locomotive is called the Baroness in honor of the wife of Baron. He inaugurated the same year the opening words of the Union and
Industry, first paved road in the country, between Petrópolis and Juiz
de Fora.In
partnership with British capitalists and São Paulo coffee growers,
participated in the construction of Recife and São Francisco Railway
Company, the Dom Pedro II railroad, current Central of Brazil and São
Paulo Railway, today Santos-Jundiaí. Started the construction of mangrove canal in Rio de Janeiro and was
responsible for the installation of the first underwater telegraph
cable, linking Brazil to Europe.Barão
de Mauá founded in the late 1850s, the Bank Maua, MacGregor & Cia,
with branches in several Brazilian cities, as well as in London, New
York, Buenos Aires and Montevideo. Helped found the second Bank of Brazil as the first had gone bankrupt in 1829.Liberal,
abolitionist and contrary to the Paraguayan War, provided the financial
resources necessary for the protection of Montevideo when the imperial
government decided to intervene in the affairs of Silver in 1850 and
thus became persona non grata in the Empire. Its
factories have been targeted by criminal sabotage and their businesses
have been shaken by the legislation sobretaxava imports of raw materials
for its industries. In 1857 his yard was criminally burned.The
Baron of Mauá was deputy for Rio Grande do Sul in several legislatures,
but resigned in 1873 to take care of their business, threatened since
the banking crisis of 1864. Despite all the Barão de Mauá the
achievements ended in bankruptcy. In 1874 receives the title of Visconde de Mauá. In 1875 with the closure of Mauá Bank was forced to sell most of its businesses to foreign capitalists. Ill, suffering from diabetes, only rested after paying all debts, ending nobly all their activities, but without equity.Irineu Evangelista de Sousa died in Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, on October 21, 1889.
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