Hello European friends, South Americans, North Americans, Asians and Africans hope you're enjoying the posts of our blog. | Here in Brazil after December 25, begins the pilgrimage of the follies of kings, in large cities this cultural ritual There is almost no more but inside there are still the frightening follies of kings with frightening clowns, kings and soldiers Erodes king.I will tell this first posting the origin of the revelry of kings and soon after the next post will tell the ancient legend a noble folly of the wise men.
** Epiphany OR follies KINGS **The Reisado was introduced in colonial Brazil by the Portuguese in the nineteenth century. It is a popular spectacle of Christmas and Kings, whose stage is the public square, the street, but sometimes can be displayed in homes.Folia de Reis, or Epiphany, or suit-kings, is one of the most original folk merrymaking. It is a known revelry in Minas Gerais, Goias, Sao Paulo, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and, for some years, in Guanabara. Inside, is a dance of the Christmas season to celebrate the birth of Jesus and in honor of the Magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, who brought gold, frankincense and sights, which represent the three dimensions of Christ (royalty, divinity and humanity ).This festival has its primary source in the Party of the Invincible Sun, celebrated by the Romans and then adopted by the Egyptians. The Roman feast was celebrated on December 25 (Gregorian calendar) and the Egyptian on January 6. In the third century, it was established that December 25 is would celebrate the birth of Christ and January 6, day of Kings.The main feature of Epiphany is the use of many props, costumes with warm colors and richly decorated hats with colorful ribbons and mirrors.The Epiphany is composed of 4-6 masked life-giving hilarity and stir to play. They should also protect the baby Jesus and confuse Herod's soldiers. Acrobats and reciters represent the pursuing soldiers of the Child. The Epiphany is still: king, master of ceremonies, Ensign, a donkey, ox, Jaraquá, the macaw, the caipora, emu, etc. Many other characters may appear, depending on the region where this party is held. All come with a flag, banner of revelry, a wooden square with the Adoration of the Magi, decorated with flowers and mirrors, carried by Ensign.An orchestra of guitars, banjos, guitars, bass drum, triangle, tambourine, maracas and accordions pulse in the regularity of an organism. His chords are for guidance voices and rule the evolution of the show. The time of the tune is circular, an invitation to worldly detachment and the search for an alliance with the divine. The palette wake up the ukulele to resonate a sound that should please the ear of the saints. The story narrated through corners are counted by a soloist and run unison responds to it over and over again. The songs arrival and farewell are the most beautiful of the Northeastern folk music:"Hit wing and singing the cockMidnight signaledHe lit another candle umeToday is the Christmas nightetc.Good night Good NightGood evening I wish youI am the son of the Eternal FatherDevotee of the Mother of GodDecember 25thReza up and litanyFor coffee with cakeAnd eat rice with chicken. "All members of the Folia de Reis, interpret and tell their stories, both winding roads in the interior, such as urban squares. This is an ultimate expression of piety and devotion.The revelers flock even in the countryside, knocking on doors toasting friends with his energy and contagious joy, beyond the spectacle, of course, which consists of a pass play, with comic inset. Then the members of the Epiphany, in a disorderly wave, will they scatters throughout the streets. In the disorder of this delirious enthusiasm, glimpses up a carnival joy. It's an exciting spectacle!More modernized versions of Epiphany, add new pictures to their secular cult.
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