Government of Bolivia highlights record growth and social progressBolivia is living one of the most important economic and social
moments of its history, said Vice President Alvaro García Linera,
highlighting the jump in nine years of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
nearly four times.
years ago, pointed out in an interview with state television network,
the Bolivian economy average US $ 9 billion, today its GDP amounts to $
33 billion. No Latin American country has taken that leap, he said, and this wealth is distributed among the population, he added.
The predictions of the Andean country give a GDP growth of 5.8%
between 2016 and 2020, stressed, and infrastructure via the following 50
years are safe with the investment currently being negotiated seven
billion bolivianos (US $ 1.004 billion).
In 2005 the minimum salary of a Bolivian were $ 50 a month, while in Argentina were US $ 200, four times more ,, reported. Today the minimum wage of Bolivia is nearly US $ 220 and the Argentine
minimum wage is 450, which reduced the gap to a couple of times, he
economy of Chile in 2005 was 14 times that of Bolivia, recalled, and in
nine years we have reduced the difference to eight times. If we maintain the current rate of growth, he said, in 2020 the difference shall be four times, and in 2025, only twice.
The economy of Bolivia is that, due to its size, has grown more in the
region with political, social stability and legal certainty for foreign
investment, however partners and providers of services, not as
standards, emphasized García Linera.
The world speaks of the Bolivian miracle, pointed his vice president, and ask us how we do to grow 5% in Chile will grow 1.5%; Brazil is decreasing to less than 1%, and Mexico grow between 0.9% and 1%.
The Bolivian formula pósneoliberais models, he explained, is based on
social movements in power, nationalization, internal market,
distribution of wealth, industrialization and the leadership of
President Evo Morales.
It is a country that streamlines its domestic market, it said, after
stating that these results demonstrate an alternative to the old
neoliberal economics that much damage done to the mainland and Bolivia.
Source: Prensa Latina
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