The history of the Zombies Haitians: more frightening than fiction
Voodoo ritual in Haiti. African origin, as the Brazilian Candomblé
The stories of zombies, which took the sleep of so many young people from the 50s seem to have been entirely demystified in recent years. Today, more than at any previous time, films, serials, books and even the fashion world approach the subject of good-natured way and even humorous.
However, the real stories that gave rise to these legends are much scarier than we could imagine.
The legends of the Zombies born rituals performed by Wizards Voodoo, a religion of African origin that reached its peak with the Haitian slaves during the colonial era in the Caribbean.
Legend has it that the Voodoo sorcerers had the power to raise the dead from their graves, making them conform to their will.
During the first decades of the twentieth century, some "Zombies" were photographed wandering in Haiti, working as slaves in sugarcane farms, blindly serving their Voodoo Masters.Wade Davis, the controversial anthropologist and ethnobotanist Canadian who dared to unravel the mysteries of voodoo.
I invite everyone to this intriguing research: there are zombies in Haiti.
There was at least one case, a Haitian citizen who was pronounced dead, buried, and returned from the grave.
Process zombification:
How does a victim become a zombie? Who performs the ritual and how voodoo involved in zombificação? What happens after one becomes a zombie, both physically and psychologically?The bokor apparently uses dry powder puffer fish to zumbificar their victims, Diodon hystrix (blowfish)
One of the most fascinating and intricate process in Haitian Vodou is zombificação, which revives the recently dead, soulless zombies. As part of the Voodoo religion, the bokors (Haitian voodoo sorcerers) have the power to create the zombies and manage them. The mixtures and exact methods used vary between bokors, but the process Haitain people generally follows this pattern. Some zombificação processes using blood and hair of its victims, in addition to using voodoo dolls, while others involve a carefully prepared mixture called "coup de poudre" ("powder mixture"), made of mystical herbs, human remains, and parts From animals. Drench the victims may vary, as by ingestion, injection, or even a dart ("The Bokor and magic powder").
Once the mixture was taken and administered by bokor the victim, it begins to take effect on the body. The victim becomes immobile, has an incredibly weak heartbeat and his breathing is drastically reduced within a few minutes so that the victim appears dead. While in this state resembles death, the victim is still fully aware of the surroundings, but can not express themselves. Once taken to the hospital and pronounced dead by a doctor, the apparently lifeless body will be buried in a tomb after death (in Haiti this happens quickly because the heat and the lack of cold storage, prevent that keep the body) .
The prepared poison is buried along with the corpse, bokor in the yard for two days.
After the body is buried, the bokor enters the tomb and unearths the body. This happens within eight hours of the funeral because otherwise the victim will die of suffocation. Then the bokor performs an ancient voodoo rite where he or she captures the soul of the victim, or the most essential part of it. He or she (bokor man or woman) can do this because the capture within seven days immediately after the cataleptic burial, while "his alama is still hovering over the corpse," or spreading the poison in the form of a cross the victim's door threshold. Anyway, this bokor separates the soul of the victim and produces two complementary types of zombies: Zombie spirit (the zombie alone: the ange bon ti) and the cadaver zombie (the meat zombie, which is composed of the n ' love, the gros bon ange, and z'etoile)Then it retains the spirit of zombie soul (or astral zombie) in a small jar of clay or some other common container, replace it with something that can cause the Bokor control the body. This container is hidden in a secret place known only by bokor and is finally wrapped in a piece of clothing of the victim or any other personal possession.
After a day or two, the bokor then administers a hallucinogenic mixture called "zombie cucumber" to revive the victim and is used to keep the zombie in a state of mental confusion, submissive ("The Bokor and Magic Powder"). In this state, the zombie can not talk, has no memory and no longer resembles its human personality in the past. As a result, the zombie is easy to control and bokor can use the zombie into slavery for the agricultural and construction work. The zombies are completely under the bokor rule that made them and therefore work as slaves to the bokor die. Once they are released from their slave labor, the zombies can finally return to their village, house or burial place to die.
A major concern in folklore about Haitian zombies is the act of feeding salt to a zombie. While zombies are usually not particularly dangerous, giving them salt will return your senses and restore his personality. This will lead the zombies to attack the bokor who created them or to return to his burial site to its final death.
Some stories throughout the twentieth century reinforce this theory: In 1962, the Haitian Clarvius Narcisse was pronounced dead and buried in the small village of L'Estere. But in 1980 he returned to the site with an amazing story: After receiving a dose of "zombie powder" was revived by a sorcerer, who kept him sedated with drugs derived from hallucinogenic plant "Datura", making him work for years as a slave in a farm. His teacher explained that he had been brought back from the dead as a punishment for acts committed during his lifetime.Clarvius NarcisseWas he a "Ex-Zombie"?
Lipe Lundorf
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