Magazine charge causes controversy by citing child and harassment case.Aylan father who drowned, drawing called 'inhumane'.Daddy's Little Aylan, which became a symbol of the tragedy of the Syrian refugees said on Saturday (16) AFP that cried after seeing the cartoon published by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo this week. "When I saw the cartoon, I cried," blurted Abdullah Kurdi in a telephone interview with AFP. "My family is still shaken," he added.When the next terrorist attack, and the great mobilization vigil to honor the innocent victims?The Judeo-Christian world can not be penalized for defending basic principles such as freedom of expression.Je suis Charlie!----------------------------------It's not like that?It is the decay of values by leaps and bounds ....It is bad taste, but did not have to cry, need not be very smart to imagine that the EI is making a good deal of xenophobic European, and sensational jornaizinhos just want to bill.
Lipe Lundorf

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