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Because everything is more expensive in Brazil?
Our prices are among the highest in the world. We pay 3, 4 times more for anything. But the biggest problem is another: many people love itIt's much swag that the Portuguese of Florida's shopping vendors are sharper than ever. Brazilians are tourists who buy more US: US $ 4800 per person, ahead of the Japanese.Our spending abroad in 2010 had spent $ 11 billion through September, a record. Tour operators now offer packages without amusement parks in the script, only shuttles to major shopping malls and outlets.We are becoming a country of smugglers. Natural. Take the case of the iPad. Here in the US or Europe, it is imported. It comes from China. In theory, it should cost about the same in all countries, since the freight always gives more or less the same thing. But no. The basic version costs US $ 800 in the US. Here
the forecast is that it drains from R $ 1 800. The rest of the
developed world is rare iPad spend R $ 1 000. And that goes for
anything. On
a trip to the US you can buy a notebook that here costs $ 5 500 per R $
2 300. Or a videogame from $ 500 hitting R $ 2000 in supermarkets here.
And the cars, then? A zero Corolla costs $ 28,000. Real. Here, out of more than R $ 60 thousand. And it's so national in the US and in Brazil. Toyota manufactures the car in both countries.Why such a difference? First, taxes. Almost half the value of a car (40%) goes to the government as taxes. The US is 20%. In China as well. In Argentina, 24%. The pattern is repeated with the other products. And there tribute. While the overall pattern is to have a specific tax to the consumer, here are 6 - IPI, ICMS, ISS, Cide, IOF, Cofins. Ufa. This confusion opens the way for a madness that other countries avoid: tax collection cascading. The ICMS, for example, focuses on the Cofins and PIS. In other words, you pay tax on that tax had already been paid back. Everything is more expensive. And when you add that to the fact that no, we are not a rich country, the shame is even greater. Taking
into account the average wage in the metropolis and the price of
things, a New York guy has to work nine hours to buy an iPod Nano (R $
256 there). In the larger cities of Brazil, one Nano worth 7 day average citizen of labor (R $ 549).The tax mess of Brazil is not new. The
difference is that the effects of it are clearer now, as there are more
globalized products (Corolla, iPad ...) and overvalued real increases
our purchasing power out there (when our currency was not worth anything
before 1994 it was as if we were living in another galaxy - you could not make comparisons).But the tax alone does not explain everything. Another important reason for the price disparity is the search for status. Luxury market has existed since ancient Egypt. But in our case it turned aberration. Popular
brands of shoes and clothes out there are fine items in the malls here,
since the same pants that costs R $ 150 out there goes for $ 600 on
Brazil. The Smart Cart is a molecada in Europe, a popular one. Here he became a motorized Rolex - a way to show that you have $ 60,000 left. The irony is that the high price becomes a reason to consume the thing. Sometimes the only reason. As
we are actually getting richer (per capita income grew by 20% above
inflation over the last 10 years), demand for unrealistic prices of
products remains strong. The profits that the trade has with them too. And shopping there foMas tax alone does not explain everything. Another important reason for the price disparity is the search for status. Luxury market has existed since ancient Egypt. But in our case it turned aberration. Popular
brands of shoes and clothes out there are fine items in the malls here,
since the same pants that costs R $ 150 out there goes for $ 600 on
Brazil. The Smart Cart is a molecada in Europe, a popular one. Here he became a motorized Rolex - a way to show that you have $ 60,000 left. The irony is that the high price becomes a reason to consume the thing. Sometimes the only reason. As
we are actually getting richer (per capita income grew by 20% above
inflation over the last 10 years), demand for unrealistic prices of
products remains strong. The profits that the trade has with them too. And purchases outside idem.The
darker this result is what economists call Dutch disease: the country
enriches selling raw material and leaves to manufacture sophisticated
items - imports all (or will spend the holiday in Miami and back
loaded). So
even the government complains about the excessive depreciation of the
dollar and the euro, which makes it even cheaper outside. Then there is no industry that can withstand.But there is another side there. "Interestingly, the industry imports intermediate goods, which are
used to make other products. And now they will be cheaper. So the
appreciated exchange rate may be good," says economist Carlos Eduardo
Gonçalves, USP.The government has also acted against the exchange of evil. In August, cut various rates of industrial machinery and zeroed taxes for the manufacture of aircraft. 116 other assets of auto parts industry who have had their national similar import tax virtually zero. It's a beginning. We hope that, soon, spend nine hours on the plane to buy a laptop can become meaningless. Why bizonho.
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