Blog 100 História : Thor's Hammer: The accelerator that shoots a thousand times more powerful rays that a natural lightning

Thor's Hammer: The accelerator that shoots a thousand times more powerful rays that a natural lightning

In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder, one of the most feared. He wields a hammer and is associated with thunder, the storms, the strength and protection of humanity. Perhaps for such a force of creation and destruction, this was the name chosen by scientists 'Sandia National Laboratoties' in the US for the latest creation designed by them: a particle accelerator to study materials under extreme conditions and play back the internal pressure of our planet.
The so-called 'Hammer of Thor' is able to build a pressure equivalent to 1 million atmospheres and has only 600 square meters of space, small size compared to previous attempts the same experiment. However it is not its size but its magnetic field responsible for the grandeur of the equipment.
Thanks to it the effects of pressure on various materials can be analyzed, taking as a basis the conditions in the center of the Earth. Furthermore, the new technology of the invention also function in an extremely effective way, avoiding any power loss tpo of its hundreds of super capacitors.
The "hammer Thor 'has the same concepts behind the" Z Machine ", but with a fifth physical size, while it is also 40 times more efficient. It can shoot rays that have about a thousand times more electricity than lightning, enough to make even the god Thor own fear of his power.
Now just plotting the will on the real purpose of this artifact ...

Lipe Lundorf

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