Blog 100 História : Legend friday Brazilian - Matita Perê

Legend friday Brazilian - Matita Perê

Hello my friends I am Lipe Lundorf and today is Friday and as everyone knows is a day of a horror story, today we will talk about this frightening character of Brazilian folklorethe famozinha Matita Pereira entity that haunts anyone who mistreats the nature and the next, this entity is legendary and has been known by many even quoted in music of Elis Regina and Tom Jobim - MARCH WATERS'' Well, listening to Jobim's repertoire we find a name in the unknown and least strange. In the song "Waters of March" tone sings ... Caingá, candle is matita pear ...; Tom also headline an album named "Matita Perê", a fantastic and little known album, since it is not very commercial unfortunately. Anyway ... but what it really means Matita Perê, Pereira ... ???If you type the name in google logo will soon find that Matita Perê is a bird. OK!! cool .... but what is really interesting is that this bird led (most likely) the legend of Saci Pererê .... Now that's what really piqued my curiosity.The Matita Perê is a relative neotropical bird in the cuckoo usurper unrelated nests (it leaves its eggs to be hatched from eggs to the bird owner's Nest). The bird saci has a very distinctive and seemingly scary corner. The Indians believed that the Saci was a bird possessed (by the spirit of a boy who was murdered by his uncle) and always feared his corner. 'Now let the legendThere is no consensus as to matita pear to be a bird or an old or saci Perere. The fact is that Matita possesses an unmistakable whistle, the hunter to hear has no doubt be her. Matita, according to legend flies out the night the house of one who taunted her or mistreated her during the day, haunting and frightening creations of animals or dogs. Matita like chewing tobacco, a weak spot used by those who want to discover the identity of matita. According to legend, when someone hears the Matita whistle in the woods just shouts loudly: "Pick tobacco." the next day, in primeirs am Matita beats one's door to seek the promised tobacco. The person is startled and then looking for a bit of smoke to offer the Matita if the person does not work, matita back at night to haunt the house leaving no one to sleep.Some legends say that hunters found matita in the woods, matita described as an old woman with long, unkempt hair and having suspended body flow with arms raised. Who to do is paralyzed with fear.Another legend about Matita Pereira, says that when Matinta senses his death elasai roaming the night and shouting: "Whoever Whoever ?, who respond?" I want to "eat curse is turning Matita.

Lipe Lundorf

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