continuing the matter, I would like to quote the blog first of all I
would like to remind you that the blog100 history is a blog aimed at
academic content, theories, conspiracies and news, we can not deny the
horrors of war, the subject whose we explain below it is a research thesis .Therefore a teacher I do
not care if the judiazinha wrote the diary or not, what interests me is
the value of an interesting reading and perhaps a moral support to this
stupid generation.
Anne Frank would be a farce?
The Diary of Anne Frank - Jewish people the symbol of martyrdom in the 2nd World War? Simon
Wiesenthal, in his book "The murderers among us", tells us to page 176,
which Anne Frank would have died in the concentration camp of Bergen
Belsen in March 1945, typhus victim. Incidentally, one of the few facts that can be considered as true in all its kilometric bibliography. In
the same work it reports that the father of Anne Frank would have
returned in 1946 to the house where resided in Amsterdam, having found
daily in the same place on the floor where the soldier "SS" had thrown
on the occasion of prison family...
to the version of Wiesenthal, the weekly magazine headline of March 21,
1992, in particular article about the new "diary" of Anne Frank,
announces that the manuscripts, intact, were held by Miep Gies you from
the start and only were
delivered to Mr. Otto, Anne's father, at the time it became clear that
the girl was no longer part of this world ... In fact, at this point, it
would be interesting to see why Mrs. Miep wanted to ensure that the
manuscripts were only revealed after the certainty of death of the author. It has the impression that he suspected that his father would publish
daily by default, even against the will of the daughter ...
in his book, advises that "daily" was translated into 32 languages,
converted on the play and also a film that touched the hearts of
millions of people - especially teenagers - around the world. He says that even today a large number of young Germans moving annually to the Bergen Belsen camp, to pray for poor Anne.
Institute for Historical Review, California, United States, offers a
cash prize for proving the authenticity of the "daily". The forgery was proven, more strikingly still, after scientific tests
of ink used in his writings: it was found that some of the texts were
written with ballpoint pen, an invention of the 50s.Only
due to the findings and allegations of historical revisionism is that
is falling - one by one - the great myths of the "Holocaust", which the
"diary" of Anne Frank was one of the most important supporters, mainly
to address the hearts and minds of young people.
he truth about the Anne Frank Diary was first revealed by the Swedish journal Fria Ord. It
established that the Jewish novelist Meyer Levin had written the
"daily" dialogue and was demanding payment for his work in a lawsuit
against Otto Frank. A condensation of the Swedish articles appeared in the American Economic Council Letter, April 15, 1959, as follows:"History has many examples of myths that live a longer and richer life than truth, and may become more effective than truth.""The Western world has known a few years ago by a Jewish girl who is
like her story personally written, The Diary of Anne Frank. Any informed
literary inspection of the book would have shown it would have been
impossible to have been the work of a teenager.""An
honorable Supreme Court ruling Note in New York confirms this view, in
which the well-known Jewish-American writer Meyer Levin won a prize of $
50,000 paid by Anne Frank's father as honorary by Levin's work at the
Daily Anne Frank.
headline magazine, as quoted above, after admitting that Anne's father
had been responsible for "-characterization" cuts, censorship,
modifications, etc., concludes that it would have left the diary very
"vulnerable" to lessen, of course, the credibility of the same ...The
launch of a new "daily" - a fact that in itself shows a deception
within the deception - clearly shows that the eternal falsifiers of
history try one more trump card to save this incredible hoax, at least
for a while. According to the magazine report, we learn that the first version sold over 16 million copies. Probably
hoping to repeat the dose with the brand new "daily", now "modernized"
and more to the taste of current public with spicy passages until about
sexuality girl ... One is left to imagine what will be the third, fourth
and dozens of new versions that may come ...The
final touch in handling, to end with "golden key" and demonstrate the
negligence, bad faith and the very arrogance of these omnipotent media
outlets and used to assert what they please, without challenge and
betting on the great mass of the ingenuity of readers,
is due to photo caption of this matter in the headline magazine, which
states "... in the photo, Anne in 1941, at age 22" ... But if the legend
always claimed to us that this character would have died at 13 or 14 ...
counterfeiters avowedly admitted that the infamous "daily" is nothing
more than a monumental deception, altered, distorted and manipulated to
become one of the great "bestsellers" world, it is up to our mayors,
state legislators, Federal
and all those responsible for education, start firing, doing the only
thing appropriate at such falsehood and infamy: remove the name of this
imposture of the multitude of squares, streets, squares, theaters,
schools and other institutions across the country and the world.For
over a decade the French professor, professor at the University of
Lyon, Robert Faurisson, dissected and unmasked, and ruthlessly
scientific imposture of the "diary" of Anne Frank. Using
the coldness of investigative technique inherent in every authentic
historical researcher, Faurisson has proven, through endless evidence,
manipulation in the preparation of "daily" famous, in addition to unpack
large and fabulously profitable business that has turned this
historical falsification. An
example: only in copyright, the father of the unfortunate girl (who
died of typhus while her - healthy and millionaire - father was
hospitalized at Auschwitz and survived) receives sums in all schools! The story of this publication is filled with fights and demands,
between the father, the uncle, the editors, the compiler, the "ghost
writer", etc., all eyeing the endless seam representing ownership of
their copyrights.Faurisson
did an analysis of local, kept interviews, dissected the "daily",
proving the psychological impossibilities, cultural, social, historical,
temporal situation, the likelihood of logic, space, etc. It is worth confirming this extraordinary research: Who wrote The Diary of Anne Frank? Robert Faurisson, Editor Review, 85 pages.The book is a lesson in questioning research, ideal for lawyers,
forensic technicians, lawyers, police officers, historians, students,
international news agencies released a small note that read: The famous
diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager in Amsterdam who died in 1945 in
a concentration camp, was censured by the girl's father himself. He withdrew from the text of the notebooks in which she wrote, all
considered "lurid" and decided to make some changes on their own, for
moral reasons or convenience. "No comment.Undoubtedly the Anne Frank girl is not an imagination, but the story of his diary is certainly a great ad. Even for a layman, there is no problem in checking that used two calligraphy to write the diary. One of them is consistent to a teen girl and the other a typicaladult
Frank was a victim of typhus epidemic that killed thousands of Germans
and inmates of concentration camps during the last world conflict. This makes it clear the reason for the existence of crematoria and Zyklon B pesticide. Unfortunately the farce of the journal is not published for a mere commercial reasons.
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