Blog 100 História : PT and the theory of Gramsci

PT and the theory of Gramsci

The seizure of power: Gramsci and the communization of BrazilAnatoli Oliynik

A hundred tales of human history are there to show que tendencies can be turned back, and que one stumbling-block can be the turning point. The sands of time are simply dotted with single stakes que Thus have marked the turn of the tide.G.K. CHESTERTON
There are hundreds of events in human history showing that trends can be reversed, and that a stone false may be the time of the return. The sands of time are punctuated with stakes as well mark the turning of the tide.

Nowhere in the world the thought of Gramsci was as disciplined as it is being applied in Brazil, now the PT, whose government nomenklaturafollows strictly the orientations given by the uspianos intelectualóides driving the Sao Paulo Forum and whose playbook the Prison Notebooks, Gramsci.
Those unfamiliar with political ideologies, surely will be asking: Who was Gramsci and what is its relationship with the Brazilian communism? Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), thinker and politician was one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party in 1921, and the Marxist theoretician first to argue that the revolution in Western Europe would have to divert much of the course followed by the Russian Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Illitch Ulyanov Lenin (1870-1924) and followed by Iossif Vissirianovitch Djugatchvili Stalin (1879-1953).
During his imprisonment in Italy in 1926, which lasted until 1935, he wrote numerous texts on communism which began to be published in parts in the 30s, and fully in 1975, under the Prison Notebooks. This publication, spread across several continents, became the catechism of the left,who saw in it a much more powerful way to realize the old dream of deploying totalitarianism, without the shedding of blood was necessary, as happened in Russia, China, Cuba, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cambodia and in North Vietnam, countries that became victims of collective madness detonated by ideologues morons.
Gramsci professed that communism deployment should not be given by force, as in Russia, but in a peaceful and sneaky way, seeping slowly and gradually, the revolutionary idea. The strategy is to use is legal instruments and policy actions to be meekly accepted by the people, numbing consciences and massifying society with a subliminal advertising, imperceptible to most unwary that, a priori, represent the vast majority of the population, so that ,numb from the Gramscian mellifluous speech, consciences can no longer understand the lure of being involved. The originality of Gramsci's thesis lies in the replacement of the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" with "hegemony of the proletariat" and "occupation of spaces", which class, in turn, should be at the same time, leader and dominant.
He argued that any takeover can only be done with alliances and the work of the revolutionary class must first be political and intellectual. The Marli Nogueira doctor, labor judge in Brasília, and scholar of the subject, gives the following explanation of the "hegemony": "Hegemony is the creation of a uniform mentality around certain issues, causing the population believes is correct this or that extent, this or that criterion, this or that'análise of situação', so that when communism has taken power, there is no longer any resistance. This should be done, according teaches Gramsci, based on guidelines set by'intelectual coletivo' (the party), that spreads by'intelectuais orgânicos' (or opinion leaders), which are made up of intelectualóides of all sorts, as teachers - mainly university (because the young is an excellent breeding ground for this), the media (also intelectualóides journalists) and publishing (authors of the same species), which then are responsible for distributing them by the population. "
As for the "occupation of spaces" can be clearly glimpsed the appointment of more than 20,000 positions of trust within the PT in all of Brazil, whose holders of these positions, birth militants, have the mission to make happen "hegemony".
Returning to Gramsci and according to him, the main objectives of struggle for change are to conquer one after another, all ideological diffusion instruments(schools, universities, publishers, media, artists, trade unions etc.), since major clashes occur in the cultural sphereand not in factories, on the streets or in the barracks.
The proletariat needs to be transformed into cultural and political force, leading within a system of alliances before daring to attack the power of the bourgeois state.And the party must adapt their tactics to those precepts, without fear of the opinion that it is not revolutionary.
That the Brazilian people are not noticing, because their minds have been numbed by the revolutionary government in power. In this way, Gramsci left the general Marxist theory of a catastrophic crisis that would, like lightning, a successful intervention of an organized revolutionary vanguard. Ie a party intervention.
For him, even the most severe recession of capitalism would lead to revolution as not to induce any economic crisis unless, before, there has been an ideological preparation. This is exactly what is happening at present in Brazil: The ideological preparation. And is in very early stage, say by the way.
According to Dr. Marli Nogueira: "Having overcome the belief that this same company had about various issues, is achieved what Gramsci termed'superação the sense-comum', what else is but the hegemony of thought. Each of us goes, well, being a ventriloquist to repeat, thoughtlesslythe opinions that come ready Communist ideological oven. And when the time comes to say'agora are ready to really get a'democracia' (which, in fact, is nothing more than a party dictatorship) also accept any measure that leads us to this path, be it demolition institutions, whether the abolition of private property, be it the very end of democracy as we understand it so far always believing that it will be very normal for this'volta democracia' to be done by decrees, laws or constitutional reforms. "
Lenin argued that the revolution should begin by the State to take from there, transform society. Gramsci reversed these terms: the revolution should begin with the transformation of society, depriving the ruling class of the direction of "civil society" and only then attack the power of the state. Without prior "revolution of the spirit", any communist victory would be short-lived.
For this, Gramsci defined society as "a complex system of ideals and cultural relations" where the battle should be fought at the level of religious ideas, philosophical, scientific, artistic etc. For this reason, the walk to socialism proposed by Gramsci was just the proletariats of Marx and Lenin and not by the peasants of Mao Tse Tung, but by intellectuals, the middle class, the students, culture, education and the multiplier effect of media, seeking, through persuasive, suggestive or compulsive methods, change the mentality, separating it from the traditional value system,to implant the values ​​of communist ideology. Fidel Castro, of course, was the last dinosaur to adopt the methods of Lenin. It could be said that Fidel is the last of the Mohicans backwards considering that his disciples Lula, Morales, Kirchner, Vasquez and Zapatero are applying successfully theses notebook's Prison, Antonio Gramsci.
Chavez, the Venezuelan troglodyte, opted for brute force power and electoral fraud. In Brazil, just in case, keep active and readiness of the MST and Via Campesina, as a safeguard, if they are to opt for the bloody revolution that is the Leninist strategy.
All values ​​that Western civilization built over millennia have been systematically being overturned, under the complacent gaze of all Brazilians,which, by a childlike innocence, is the result of a deliberate weakness of teaching, either by an ignorance of the real intentions of the left, not even realize that it is the very survival of society being destroyed. Lost these values, not even plenty of room for the outrage that, in other times, instantly spring up from the simple fact is aware of recent events involving gaping corruptions at all levels of the State.
The numbness of human reason, with the resulting gap between rulers and ruled, has reached a point where, if not impossible, at least made it extremely difficult any kind of reaction from the people. Being the organs responsible for defence- press, civil associations, businessmen, clergy, etc. - totally dominated by Gramsci's system of government that runs the country for years, the result could not be different: the utter helplessness of the Brazilian people.
In this, there remained no alternative but to watch, helpless and inert, the abuses and excesses of those who, by letter of duty, should protect him in every way.
The truth is that the old methods for socialism-communism deployment were definitely buried. A new paradigm is being adopted, whose overwhelming force is being overlooked, and what is worse, not perceived by the population.

Brazil is being transformed by the Left, a political laboratory of Gramsci's thought under the leadership of Lula, the diligent student, and the supervision of the Forum of Sao Paulo.

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