Blog 100 História : LIFE ON MARS - Chico Xavier

LIFE ON MARS - Chico Xavier

The mother of Chico Xavier, Mary John of God in the book "Letters of a dead", describes Mars. Here is the story:"... Mankind Mars evolved faster than Earth and that from the prodrome of the formation of its social core, never had to destroy to live away from the conceptions of men land whose life does not proceed without the death and whose stomachs are always full of guts and victuals other beings of creation. The day there is equal to the Earth, because it has 24 hours and almost 40 minutes, but the years are contained in 668 days, making it the longest seasons without sudden order changes climate that harm human health. The Martians have discovered most of the secrets of the hidden forces of nature. They know the deep mysteries of electricity, knowing use it masterfully. In astronomical questions are eminently earlier than their companions of the Earth, comprising all phenomena and most of the mysteries of nature on your planet. I saw there formidable photoelectric devices that record, with mathematical precision, almost all of the phenomenal expressions of worlds that are closer to that wonderful orb. Instead of the satellite, which illuminates your nights, I noted that Mars is served by two. Two moons seem to gravitate around each other, but smaller, much smaller than yours. The atmosphere is similar to Earth, but the air as constituted, it seemed very much lighter. The density of Mars is greatly lighter, becoming very thin atmosphere. I saw men more or less similar to our terrestrial brothers, but their bodies had significant differences. In addition to the arms had over the shoulder (shoulder) small lumps by way (way) wings that lavished them (lavished) interesting volitional faculties (flutter). I realized that the life of the Martian humanity is more air. Powerful machines, extremely curious in its structure, crossed the air in all directions. I saw oceans, although the water proves me less dense and much these shallow seas. Is there a plumbing system, but not for engineering works of its inhabitants, but by a natural determining the topography of the planet that puts on continuous communication all the seas. . . "
NOTE: There was a time when Cabral wanted to venture out of town in search of new lands and Portugal was against it because they did not believe that there was life beyond the ocean. Well, we may recall here the words of Emmanuel from the book "OUR HOME":. "The unusual, however, surprising at all times Who would not smile on Earth years ago, when it told you the aviation, Electricity and radio? " So is the subject "Life on Mars", "Afterlife", "spiritual Town", etc.

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