Blog 100 História : Zika virus is caused by pesticide, according to Argentine report

Zika virus is caused by pesticide, according to Argentine report

Neither the Zika virus and no vaccine for the Organization of the Argentine Medical major outbreak of microcephaly that hit Brazil is caused by a chemical larvicide called pyriproxyfen placed in water or sprayed in the cities affected by microcephaly outbreak.
The entity is emphatic report by saying it's no coincidence the cases of microcephaly arise in areas where the Brazilian government made the application of pyriproxyfen directly into people's water supply system, more specifically in Pernambuco.
"The Pyroproxyfen is applied directly by the Ministry of Health in drinking water reservoir used by the people of Pernambuco, where the proliferation of the Aedes mosquito is very high (a situation similar to the Pacific Islands). (...) Malformations detected in thousands of children of pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian State added pyriproxyfen to drinking water is not a coincidence, although the Ministry of Health to place direct blame on the Zika virus to damage (microcephaly) . ", the report says on page 3.
The report also noted that the Zika has traditionally been considered a relatively benign disease, which has never been associated with birth defects, even in areas where infected 75% of the population.
Position of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Abrasco)
The Argentine report, which also addresses the dengue epidemic in Brazil, agrees with the findings of a separate report on the outbreak Zika made by Brazilian doctors and the Brazilian Association of Collective Health - Abrasco.
Abrasco also points to the pyriproxyfen as the probable cause of microcephaly. The association condemns the chemical control strategy to curb the growth of carriers Zika virus mosquitoes. The Abrasco claims that such a measure is contaminating the environment as well as people and not reducing the number of mosquitoes. For Abrasco this strategy is, in fact, driven by commercial interests of the chemical industry, which says it is deeply integrated with the Latin American ministries of health and the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.
Abrasco named British company Oxitec which produces genetically modified insects as part of the business lobby that is distorting the facts on the Zika virus to suit their own agenda for profit.
Oxitec sells transgenic mosquitoes modified for sterility and marketed as a product to combat the disease - a strategy condemned by Argentine doctors, regarded as "a total failure, except for the supplier of mosquitoes company."
Remember also that the Zika virus belongs to the family / Rockefeller Foundation, as reported by the Free Panorama on 31 January. In addition, of course, the UN has declared that countries with cases of microcephaly should release the abortion - making it clear to all the huge number of entities involved in the lobby / control population decrease.
Who makes pyriproxyfen?
The doctors added that pyriproxyfen is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, a Japanese company and a "strategic partner" of Monsanto. The pyriproxyfen is an inhibitor of the growth of mosquito larvae amending larva development process, the pupa (intermediate stage between larval and adult, development of certain insects), for adult, thereby generating defects in developing mosquitoes and killing or disabling its development. The chemical compound acts as an insect juvenile hormone and has the effect of inhibiting the development of adult insects characteristics (for example - the wings and mature external genitals) and reproductive development. It is an endocrine disruptive and teratogenic (causes birth defects), according to doctors.
In December 2014 Sumitomo Chemical announced that, along with Monsanto, expand its pest control work for Latin America, specifically in Brazil and Argentina.
The Government of RS has already suspended the use of larvicide.

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