The author of the study, consideration is Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, one PhD, who have conducted the study and signed the complaint with the Attorney General. Microcephaly is not Zika virus, were vaccines in pregnant women; says supposed PhD studyIn this time of global awe because of the Zika virus, mainly because of his relationship with the cases of microcephaly, a person emerges who filed the information with the Federal Public Prosecutor of Pernambuco, to the contrary.
It is a time for caution and also connected spotlights ideal opportunity for those who want to "appear". Still, we can not fail to publish this information.
The author of the study, consideration is Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, one PhD, who have conducted the study and signed the complaint with the Attorney General.
Read what Pliny writes Dr. Bezerra, who has profile on the Internet as University Professor - Department of Physics, North Carolina State University.
"Microcephaly in Pernambuco and Brazil Just to make a complaint signed by the federal prosecutors see below..:
Crime complaint against the Brazilian population, a series of blunders and procedures carried out by the Ministry of Health, SUS, its associated institutes and their governing authorities, which have caused and continue to cause the current crisis MICROCEPHALY (MC) in Brazil. more detailed and specific analysis of data and facts relating to the State of Pernambuco.
Author: Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, PhD Postdoctor by US universities Harvard, Washington University in St. Louis and North Carolina State University; Doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis; Master and Bachelor of Physics by UFPE; Practice areas: MRI, with work in neurology, prostate, Solid State Physics, among others.
The crisis of microcephaly (MC) that arose in the state of Pernambuco, with a peak of cases in November 2015, is not due to ZIKV virus and is not an epidemic. Four main facts-because there are and clearly explain the data, case numbers and periods of notifications.
The data that I report here and analyze are in the public domain, in the press and the Ministry of Health and can be checked. I was not allowed access to the most comprehensive official data and accurate, which, in my view, would make this complaint even more evident by pulling back the peak of microcephaly in Pernambuco back in time in a month or more.
Me I stick the state of Pernambuco, a large part of this complaint, it is what has made public data more fully and is also the starting point of the compulsory notification of MC in Brazil.
4 facts-because that explain the chart temporal behavior that are present:
A) The peak number of cases in Pernambuco corresponds to a first trimester of pregnancy between January and April 2015 with microcephalic births. This is due to the vaccination of women of childbearing age against measles with the MMR vaccine containing the live virus rubella. In Ceará, this measles vaccination in women in fertile period with the MMR vaccine continued until mid-April;
B) The alarming number of cases that begin to appear in August-October 2015, causes compulsoriedade by the Ministry of Health, microcephaly notification throughout the country. The obligation to notify the Ministry of Health increases the peak and extends the graphical curve around its maximum;
C) The cause which led to the peak of cases of microcephaly in November 2015, the data for Pernambuco, is thin and is replaced today by another fact-cause although present in the initial notification was little evident. In November 2014, the Ministry of Health includes vaccination Difiteria, Tetanus and Pertussis prenatal protocol pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy, from the sixth month of pregnancy .; and
D) The peak of dengue cases in the state of Pernambuco is between March 20 and April 10, 2015 and would require, by association, since we have the same mosquito vector, a peak in microcephaly chart between late December and early January 2016 and not in November 2015 as we had. This, by itself, put possible effects of ZIKV Microcephaly as causative of a lesser importance, not as the main cause of microcephaly.
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