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Society within the Earth!
Many people (and the Nazis who were looking for it) believe in the existence of an advanced civilization technologically and spiritually living in an underground world within the hollow parts of the earth.
One of these subterranean worlds is called Agartha. The Agartha capital is Shambala. And Shambala is part of a great tradition of Bon-po origin, Tibetan Buddhist and Tantric. In the tradition of Agartha, there are seven entries on the planet that give access to this mysterious world populated by highly developed beings. Of the seven entrances, three are close to us: The Iguaçu Falls - is one. The second entry into the world of Agartha is Mato Grosso. And the third in Manaus.
However, Shambala, should not necessarily be understood as an underground kingdom, in Buddhist imagery and Hinduism, among others, finds himself associated with the axis mundi, or primordia axis mythological of a people or culture, being one of the eight sacred cities located in the fourth dimension (ie the term to be a city within the land would be just a metaphor), and understands the occult tradition, mainly based on texts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism.
Lipe Lundorf
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