Several foreign commando groups were transported in December to Iraq and Síria.Dizem which are groups that are always covered his face ... they do not talk do not eat and do not drink water for weeks .. despite the large calor.Eles carry lot explosives and armas.Eles not sleep ... and are transported in special helicopters alone at noite.Seriam Clones Zombies prepared for such a war? Genetically manipulated beings, super soldiers? The fiction films for REAL life? As in the movie Universal Soldier vs Zombies Nazis, see the video abaixo.Antes see this news below, would be a mere coincidence?
The agency's Defense Advanced Research Projects, better known by the
acronym DARPA, is super-secret Pentagon entity responsible for
developing all kinds of advanced weapons and other systems, including
their ability to read this story.
Now they are helping the Pentagon to improved soldier.
Finance News reports that DARPA initiated a strongly funded project to
"improve human capacity in war zones, changing the genetic code (income)
of his soldiers." The goal is to achieve supremacy of the battlefield, making the
soldiers who lack empathy and are smarter, more focused, and much
stronger than counterparts enemies.
The research is taking place under a new scientific field called
genetic engineering, where scientists conduct research and experience
with the "cookbook" of the genetic makeup of a person
All forms of life have their own recipe, and just like food, there are a finite number of ingredients to choose from.
The combination of various ingredients in different proportions makes different life forms. Genetic engineers are practically able to glow in the dark baby,
simply adding certain genetic codes of jellyfish in the human genetic
code.Soldiers zombies?
The research that has been conducted so far looks promising.
It suggests that the so-called super soldiers DARPA could one day even
grow members lost in combat, which is something that has been tested in
The part of the brain that is responsible for empathy and compassion,
scientists discovered which can effectively be turned off using gene
This would essentially create a soldier who is oblivious to fear, fatigue and emotions. However, what makes this even more disturbing, BFN noted, is the
"program Devices Assisted Human Neutral" that focuses on control of the
The result could be a next-generation "machine" controllable biological warfare through a sophisticated "joystick".
A soldier zombie if you want.
The DARPA's efforts to create super soldiers dating back years. As
reported by Wired magazine in December 2009, the US was sending a
"surge" of 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, the researchers were
working with pigs trying to find a way to stop the bleeding, turning
them into semi-undead .
"If it works out," Wired's Katie Drummond wrote, "we humans could be the next to be zombies."
part of the Pentagon's effort to dramatically reduce deaths on the
battlefield, the Texas A & M Institute for Preclinical Studies
(TIPS) has been awarded a $ 9.9 million grant by DARPA agency to develop
first-line treatments for US military wounded in combat and suffering from massive blood loss.
Traumatically wounded troops would have the best chance of surviving massive blood loss.The
investigators were aware that the evacuation and treatment of such
individuals in the midst of battle within the window of higher
importance than one hour is often impossible. Drummond
reported that the research institute was based on previous DARPA-funded
projects, one of which the theory that humans could one day mimic the
squirrels hibernate skills - that are able to survive unscathed for
months on end through Winter - using a pancreatic enzyme that human beings have in common.
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