Blog 100 História : Forecasts to 2016 - prophecies of Topic

Forecasts to 2016 - prophecies of Topic

I will do my according clairvoyance and meditation
- A great wave of heat will kill tens RJ between late January and early February- Historical Temporal kill tens in Rio de Janeiro state in February and March- Dilma suffer early heart attack, survives, but depart from office, will take place until August- PSDB it dismantles, and José Serra goes to the NETWORK- Fear assume the interim Government- EN back to strengthen, to Dilma's disease- Death of Jô Soares- Accident kills driver Kimi F1 Haikkonen- A large plane will fall in MG- Terrorist Attack in Rio shopping kill 53 people- Successful Olympics, even after attack- Corinthians vice champion of Libertadores- Explosion kills tens Lisbon- Economy sinks, unemployment explodes- Explode number of killings in RJ and SP- Hillary Clinton wins elections- Pele in serious health condition
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Lipe Lundorf

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