Amid the current political crisis arises in the debate the idea of parliamentarism, in which there is a division between Head of State and Head of Government.
The Pro monarchy - Imperial House of Brazil and all Brazilian monarchists, defends the Monarchist Parliamentary model adopted by some of the world's most developed and democratic countries.
Prince Dom Luiz de Orleans e Bragança, Head of the Imperial House of Brazil, on their "basic proposals with a view to the restoration of the monarchy in Brazil," of May 3, 1991, suggests "moderating power as allocation of the Emperor. Executive exercised by the Prime Minister, on an integrated basis with the other members of the Cabinet, which enjoys confidence of the Emperor and the Parliament, according to the parliamentary system in force so successfully throughout the reign of Dom Pedro II. "
In Parliamentary Monarchy, heredity and the monarch tenure contribute to the necessary political neutrality of the State Head, acting as an impartial and independent defender of national order. In addition, the careful education given to princes since childhood brings the benefit of having the highest function of the State one properly prepared to exercise it.
Source: Pro Monarchy // The BLOG1OOHISTORIA adopts this campaign to restore public order in Brazil.
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