There is no living more honest soul than I in this country."
In his speech after being driven coercively, LULA expressly said:
"You know what someone is leaving the presidency with 11 collection containers without having to put where? You know what is out with chair, throne, paper, everything you can imagine. Because if you add up all the presidents of the history of this country, from Floriano Peixoto, I was what won over this. Because I traveled more, because I worked more, because I traveled the world, I have to throne Africa. What do I do with it?

Says DECREE 4081, OF 11 JANUARY 2002, which instituted
the Code of Ethical Conduct of Public Officials acting in the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the Republic:
"Art. 10. A public officer in relation to an interested party does not belong to the direct and indirect public administration of any of the powers of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the municipalities, or international organization of which Brazil participates :
I - I provide services or accept proposed work, whether or permanent, although outside their office hours;
II - receive gift, transportation, lodging, compensation or any favors, as well as accepting invitations to lunches, dinners, parties and other social events;
III - provide information on that matter:
a) is not of its specific competence;
b) constitutes a privilege for those who request or that relates to third-party interest.
§ 1 are not considered present for the purposes of this article, the gifts that:
I - have no commercial value; or
II - are distributed widely by entities of any kind as a courtesy, propaganda, habitual divulgation or during special events or holidays, provided they do not exceed the amount of R $ 100.00 (one hundred reais).
§ 2. Those who present, for whatever reason, can not be refused or returned without charge to the public official, will be incorporated into the heritage of the Presidency or for cultural or philanthropic entity, as regulated by the CEPR. "
Former President Lula confessed textually that misappropriated heritage of the Union, the Presidency of the Republic. And it was no small thing, for he said: "You know what someone is leaving the presidency with 11 collection containers without having to put where?"
The question (obvious) is that when a person is president of a country, the gifts she receives, are not exactly it, but the nation that it is part. Gifts are given CARGO TO the person occupies, not the person itself.
A commendation of a queen, is not given to a president because he wanted to give the person of the president, but to the nation he belongs.
All this should then be saved as national assets and not in a container, mixed with bottles Pitú and 51.
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