Blog 100 História : Smart Samsung TVs spies all users

Smart Samsung TVs spies all users

Smart Samsung TVs spies all usersSeems fictional work of George Orwell, it is not. The company Samsung has confirmed that its sets of "smart TV's" are listening to every word of your customers. The company warned not to talk about the personal information while you are close to the TV sets.The company revealed that the activation feature voice in their smart TVs will capture all future conversations. TV sets can share the information, including sensitive data, with Samsung, as well as subcontractors.The news comes after Shane Harris, in The Daily Beast, pointing a disturbing line in the privacy policy of Samsung: "Please be aware that if your spoken words coming from your TV including personal or confidential information, this information will be among the data captured and transmitted to third parties. "Samsung issued a note with a new statement clarifying how the voice activation feature works. "If there is consent for the voice recognition feature, such data are provided to a third party during a voice search request," the company said. "In this, the voice data is sent to a server, which searches for the requested content and then returns the desired content to the TV."The company added that it does not keep or sell the voice data, but did not name the third party that translates the speech of users.

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