Blog 100 História : Facebook claims to monopolize network

Facebook claims to monopolize network

This week, defenders of freedom on the Internet as the World Wide Web Foundation and Global Voices, celebrated the fact of the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI, a kind of Indian Anatel) decided that project, and his arm Mobile, the app Free Basics, hurt net neutrality and therefore should be properly prohibited from operating in the country.
In Brazil, where recently the Federal Public Ministry issued a technical note considering the illegal, precisely because, in the opinion of its attorneys, hurting net neutrality, and fall, attracting governments with the appeal of digital inclusion, try privatize the Internet, replacing public policies instead of adding to them, the Indian decision was also celebrated by many defenders of freedom in the network.
As Indian regulators, prosecutors MPF understand that the restrictive character of the Free Basics application, which allows partial access to network content, just browsing for services previously approved by Facebook and its partners, is bad. Limits the free flow of information.
In the view of our MPF, and only give access to a limited set of content, the Free Basics prevents contact with contents contrary to the company's views. The greatest danger would be the users of the Free Basics think he is the Internet. And not only. The proposal would also give rise to blocking actions and censorship by governments or groups that wish to implement some type of control, creating the concept of a single information access. Interestingly, what critics of India's decision accuse the TRAI to be doing. There is a whole caste in India excluded from the network and began to join some discussions through the limited access provided by the Free Basics app.
It turns out that the main spokesman of the critics of the TRAI decision Rajkiran Panuganti is Microsoft employee, partner of Facebook. What for many is enough to disqualify its arguments. The most striking of them, that the government is, in practice, tutoring what the population can have access or not.

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