Brazil again about to change its president.
With a large number of prisons, politicians and large businessmen involved in the corruption installed in Brazil during the mandates of former President Lula, and Dilma, a great amount of information begins to drag many other politicians into jail.
Prisons have already happened, and are happening day after day in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and some other states. They are governors, deputies, senators, mayors, entrepreneurs and many more, including relatives and generals. Certainly, with the prisons now, the horde of support for former President Lula will be weakened allowing the imprisonment of the same in a few. That, yes, is the moment when Brazil is being cleaned. From now on we hope to have honest men in government, and that the money from our taxes will be used in favor of the Brazilian people. We Brazilians are, in the great majority, all honest and contrary to this corrupt government. We are happy for that moment. I hope, in particular, that President Michel Temer still has the good sense to resign today.
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