The world needs another Charles Martel in the year of 732 AD was responsible for sending Arab home back rebels, who are peace that they are.
It started the fight with the Franks very long when Charles Martel expelled the Arabs of the region, since the shitload eat and die people who do not know the story, unfortunately.
Sunnis stem from radical factions created after the death of Muhammad in the year 632 AD.
Islam does not preach all that Sunni hatred, this hatred stems from a current ideology created in the 7th century by cousins and in-laws of Muhammad through coups and assassinations, to make it easier to understand groups like Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and Boko haram, they follow these theories.
This is the importance of studying history, nothing in the modern world is unprecedented.
Olá seja bem vindo ao Blog 100 Historia , aqui você encontra conteúdo relacionado as ações do homem ao longo do tempo . E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará. - João 8:32 - O homem nunca pisou na Lua. - A Princesa Diana foi assassinada. - Paul McCartney morreu em 1966. - Nenhum avião atingiu o Pentágono em 11 de setembro de 2001. Espantou-se com essas afirmações? Você ainda não viu nada!
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